Friday, October 24, 2008

tracy she black and lives in a big black house and she thinks she all that she also lives in newyork . this book is funny and and it teaches you lessons you might need uin life you never get bored and its great to read it gose from subject to subject about her life and you get to see how she feel and how her famliy felt about her doing what she was doing .

flly gur

i would gove this book to any one becuase it keeps your mind acypide and it great its all about this gurls life and how she learns from her mistakes

Friday, October 17, 2008


in my book my character is a gurl who doesnt care if she is alone so she always says "love me or hate me i dont care." she thinks that people in the world shuold have something to offer you and then you can listen to what the have to say"Dont give them nothing enless they got something to give to you " she was adopted so she didnt look like her parent and her fiends finaly seen her real mom and she siad "shes my birth mom you enstien" she felt like a dummy becuase every one was looking at her wierd. "like i had a note on my head saying LOSER"

Friday, October 3, 2008

im juss like her

tracy auguing about her staying out later then she was allowed to with her mom reminded me of when me and my ant were arguing and cussing me out that personal connection helps me understand how she felt when her mom cus at her and sent her to her room only she was crying and i was only hecca mo mad at my ant .dddddddddddddrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my characters family

her dad 33 he very tall and light skined and her mother 40 and she light and her brother 6 he dark then the rest of them . and he is bad and he cussin alot her dad thinks that he runs there family and he beats her moom and then he buys himself a new house and moves out hetr mom is strong willed but she kinda scared that if she is diobedent to her husband he will beat her and stop payin the bills

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

character detail

The sister got into a fight and at patti daughter birthday party and patti is light skinded but and her daughter is lilttle bit darker then here and they always get into these petty fights

tracy and me

well im like my character in my book in many ways she loves to shop and i do to she loves to have fun and she very boy crazy as well as me even when she thinks that she wont have fun with them she goes out wit them or plays wit their minds i shuold say. she always for new things and she has lots of question about life . like me as well and if she was real we would be good friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Me and Reading

I read many book over the summer but my favorite one was a book called BEGGING FOR CHANGE. I love the way the character never give up herf name was rassberry that a crazy name but a cool character you should read the book .la (love always) Zakeea b